Event Details
DATE: 03/02/2023 18:00
TIME: 6:00 pm
Award-winning film-maker Jace Smith began his film career at the age of twelve, making home movies with an 8mm camera and neighborhood friends and shooting reenactments from his favorite television shows “The Avengers” and” Man from U.N.C.L.E”. It was quite clear film making was Jace’s calling. Then it happened, the British invasion! Jace dropped the camera and picked up the guitar. His next seventeen years were spent playing music. During this time Jace performed, recorded, and toured with such artist as Richie Sambora, (Bon Jovi) Davey Johnstone, (Elton John) Rick Springfield, Billy Preston, Bruce Foster, and list of others that would make you Oooo’ and Aaaa’ all day.
It was while working with fellow musician and director Nigel Dick that Jace put down the guitar and once again picked up the camera. As a cinematographer he shot videos for Guns & Roses, Paula Abdul, Toto, Great White, and numerous others. His first job directing produced two top ten videos on CMT “Heart Break Train” and “The Crush”. As a writer Jace has had scripts optioned at Universal Picture, Warner Brothers, New World Television, and King World Entertainment. As an Assistant Director and Post Production supervisor he has worked with some of the biggest names in Hollywood, Tom Hanks, William Friedkin, Nigel Dick, Jeff Stein, John Frankenhimer and many others.