Events for 07/28/2023 00:00 – Discover Bristol

“I’ve Endured: Woman in Old-Time Music Special Exhibit”

Birthplace Of Country Music Museum 101 Country Music Way, Bristol

“Congratulations to the Birthplace of Country Music Museum for honoring the women of old-time music with their own exhibit. These women were from the hills and hollers of the rural south, who helped plant musical seeds for all of us. My momma could have been...

AR Workshop Summer Camp Holiday Lovers Series

AR Workshop Summer ARt Camps promote creativity and hands-on STEAM learning in a fun and social environment! Camp Details: Who: Girls and Boys ages 7-14. What: AR Workshop is the destination for all things Holi-DIY. During our {NEW} Holiday theme week, campers can craft decor...

Caleb Synan

Blue Ridge Comedy Club 620 State Street, Bristol

Caleb Synan is one of the hottest young comics in the country. (Funny AND good looking!) His unique background as a preacher’s kid from a small southern town gives him the ability to relate to any and every crowd -- even though he’s a big...

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