Events for 08/19/2023 00:00 – Discover Bristol
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“I’ve Endured: Woman in Old-Time Music Special Exhibit”

Birthplace Of Country Music Museum 101 Country Music Way, Bristol

“Congratulations to the Birthplace of Country Music Museum for honoring the women of old-time music with their own exhibit. These women were from the hills and hollers of the rural south, who helped plant musical seeds for all of us. My momma could have been...

Street Fights

Bristol Dragway TN

Think you got a smokin' ride? Well here's your chance to prove it! Bring your car. Bring your bike. Bring your Mom's Mini-Van. JUST BRING IT! Street Fights Saturday Night gives anyone the chance to tackle the strip in legendary Thunder Valley. All street-legal vehicles, from...

Red Light Green Light Chunky Knit Date Night

Join us in the workshop to make a cozy Chunky Knit Blanket with your partner in a true red light/green light fashion. You will take turns on this project while one of you is busy working on your cozy Chunky Knit Blanket, the other will...

Cash Crop

Bristol Casino 500 Gate City Hwy, Bristol

Cash Crop returns to the stage at the Bristol Bar SATURDAY, August 19 at 7 PM! This is a free, non-ticketed event (21+).

Southbound Band

SideTracks 3080 West State Street, Bristol

Southbound band preforms at Sidetracks on Saturday, August 19 at 8 p.m. This is a (21+) show.

Coal Camp

Bristol Casino 500 Gate City Hwy, Bristol

COAL CAMP returns to the stage at the Bristol Bar SATURDAY, August 19 at 10 PM! This is a free, non-ticketed event (21+).

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